Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery|Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery}

Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery The Olaszliszka Jewish Cemetery, situated in Olaszliszka, holds substantial historical and cultural value in Hungary. The cemetery is closely linked to the history of the local Jewish community, which had a significant influence on the village from the 19th century until the mid-20th century. Historical Background At one

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יערמיה דאַמען און משה דאַמען ביים ציון פֿון צדיק הערשעלע ליסקער, מחבר פון "אַך פּרי תבואה", אויף

אין דעם הייליקן ווידעא, דער גרויס געהעכטער יערמיה דאַמען און זיין געוואַלדיקער זון משה דאַמען, ביידע שטאַרק געהרעדט און באַקאַנטע זינגער אין דער חסידישער וועלט, נעמען אָן אַ זכּרונותדיקע פּיל

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Special moments arise in the town of Liska, one of the holiest sites worldwide, where the heartfelt prayers at the grave of the great tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with blessings.

In the sacred town of Liska, renowned as one of the holiest places in the world, the profound prayers recited at the tomb of the esteemed tzadik, Rebbe Hershele Lisker zt"l, resonate with deep significance.The prayer calls for restoration for the sick, financial blessings for the impoverished, and peace and health for the people of Israel and all p

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Liska Shomers

Liska ShomersIn the quiet of Liska's Jewish cemetery, a man pours out his heart and soul in prayer at the grave of Hershel Lisker, also known as Tzvi Hersh Friedman. From his place of deep devotion, he seeks the miracle of love, hope, and healing, fervently wishing it upon the entire community.In the sacred act of prayer, the man bows with respect

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Masodik Jelenlet - Jancso 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsido multjarol

Második Jelenlét - Jancsó 2. filmje Olaszliszka zsidó múltjáróEgy évtizeddel később, 1978-ban Jancsó Miklós és Kende János újból meglátogatta a bodrogkeresztúri zsidó temetőt és az olaszliszkai zsinagógát. A második dokumentumfilm középpontjában Lőwy Tamás és Deutsch László, két fiatal, Olaszliszkára való visszat

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